How to express your dog’s anal glands

CAUTION: Not all dogs require their anal glands to be expressed, and overexpressing a dog’s glands can cause them to become irritated or even infected.

Some signs that your dog needs their anal glands expressed include:

  • Scooting their butt along the carpet or grass
  • Excessive licking or grooming of the area near their butt
  • Red, inflamed, or puffy area around your dog’s anus, just below it, or to either side of it

If you are unsure whether or not your dog needs their anal glands expressed, talk to a veterinarian or trained groomer. However, if you are certain your dog needs their glands expressed and want to do it at home, then follow the steps in this article to express them.

Supplies Required:

  • Nitrile gloves
  • Silicone-based lube (e.g. uber lube). This is better than vaseline or petroleum jelly.
  • A Kong toy or hard bone that has a difficult-to-access interior
  • Peanut butter
  • Baby wipes

You’ll want to do this outside or in an area that can be easily cleaned because when you express a dog’s anal glands, the smelly fluid can sometimes squirt out pretty far.

Step 1: Smear peanut butter on the inside of the bone or Kong toy

This is to give your dog something to focus on while you perform the procedure. Don’t give the peanut butter filled toy to them yet. Just prepare it, and then set it aside.

Step 2: Put on gloves

It’s important to wear gloves both to protect yourself and to ensure you don’t introduce bacteria into your dog’s rectum.

Step 3: Position your dog

Position your dog in a way that is both comfortable to them and allows you to access the anal glands easily. The ideal position will vary depending on the size and temperament of the dog as well as the exact location of the glands (which can vary from one dog to another).

For smaller dogs, you can often hold them in your lap (in a horizontal or standing position) or place them on a table or other flat surface. For larger dogs, it may be easier to have them stand or lie on their side.

You may need to have someone help you hold your dog still and prevent them from moving or struggling during the procedure.

Regardless of the position, it’s important to make sure your dog is comfortable and not in any pain or distress. Use a soothing voice and give them the peanut butter filled bone or Kong toy to focus on. If your dog becomes agitated or uncomfortable during the procedure, stop and try again later or consult with a veterinarian or groomer for help.

Step 4: Lube your fingers

Apply a silicone-based lube like Uber Lube to your gloved hand in order to make the process less uncomfortable for your dog. A silicone-based lube will be more slippery (and hence more comfortable) for you dog than vaseline or petroleum jelly.

Step 5: Locate the glands

A dog’s anal glands (also known as scent glands or anal sacs) are located just inside the dog’s butt. Dogs have two anal glands, typically located on opposite sides of their anus, just inside the rectum.

You can express the anal glands either externally (without putting your fingers into your dog’s butt) or internally. It may seem counterintuitive, but dogs are usually more comfortable with you expressing their glands internally since it requires less pressure and so isn’t as painful for them.

To locate the anal glands, insert a finger into your dog’s anus, just inside the rectum. You should be able to feel small bumps or sacs (from pea size up to grape size) on either side of your dog’s anus. Those are the glands.

Step 6: Gently squeeze the glands

To express each gland, insert your index finger into your dog’s anus and then squeeze the gland gently between your thumb (outside your dog’s butt) and your index finger (inside your dog’s butt). A smelly brown liquid will start flowing or squirting out of your dog’s butt. Be careful not to apply too much pressure or squeeze too hard, as that can cause pain or injury to your dog.

Step 7: Clean the area

After expressing the glands, use a baby wipe to clean the area around the anus. This helps to remove any remaining fluid or bacteria and prevent infection. Make sure to dispose of your wipes and gloves in a trash where your pupper can’t get to them, and wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before petting your dog again.


